Oh my giddy goodness. Another week (and a bit) gone by. Where do the hours go? I swear this whole 24 hour thing is a myth. Want to see what I've been up to? Huh? You do...go on, you know you do.
I had the best weekend last weekend in the UK. Like best
ever. On the Friday I got to see my biggest cousin get married. In shoes that made me look like a hooker. Only I didn't realise they made me look like a hooker until I saw the photos after. Awesome.
I got to meet my middle cousin's fiancé. They're getting married in July in a biiiiiiig, beautiful barn and I can't wait for the wedding. Let the dancing commence.... in pretty shoes. Not hooker shoes.
I got to meet my baby cousin's.......baby! Tell me you don't want to take a big bite out of him. Too gorgeous for words.
He didn't care what shoes I was wearing so long as I kept blowing raspberries on his chubby, little cheeks.
On Saturday I hit Oxford Street in London for shopping and lunch with my bestest buddy and my handsome God-son, Little J.
Hamley's didn't know what hit them when we walked in. I'm not sure who was more excited actually. Me or Little J? The guys there have the best job in the world. They turn up, play all day then go home again. I mean, really?
It was totally a weekend for seeing all my favourite people. And the best bit? I got to see my most favourite person in the whole wide world. And I got to bring her home to Germany for THREE WHOLE WEEKS!
Welcome home Baby Boo. Mummy missed you. And the noise you bring with you. Now be a good girl and turn your music down.... No, no! Just kidding!
Hope everyone is feeling as blissful as I am right now :)